Can Acupuncture Be Used To Treatment Neuralgia?

Acupuncture can be used in treatment of various health complications, neuralgia included. However, its use for neuralgia has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include its effectiveness, safety and ease of use. The disadvantages are that the results can be quite inconsistent, it can be costly particularly where the patient has to travel hundreds of miles for treatment, it takes several treatments for results to be seen and it can be an uncomfortable and painful experience for some people. Read more…

Using acupuncture to treat sports injuries and enhance performance

active2-webMany athletes who suffer sports injuries have turned to acupuncture to alleviate pain, increase range of motion of damaged or strained muscles and accelerate healing. According to, acupuncture is used to decrease swelling, spasms, and inflammation that result from muscle sprains and overuse. Many sports trainers for professional teams use acupuncture as part of their treatment for athletes who have suffered sports injuries.   Read more…

New study suggests acupuncture provides real pain relief

Pain reliefThe New York Times recently reported on the results of a study financed by the United States National Institutes for Health on the effectiveness of acupuncture as a method of providing relief for chronic pain. The results, in summary, suggest that acupuncture does provide real relief from pain beyond what would be expected from the placebo effect. Read more…